Hi ladies!
It's saturday night and I'm here listening to my mp3 and doing my usual blog reading. :D I hope to get some reading done later too. I'm currently reading 'The Historian' by Elizabeth Kostova and I must say that this is probably the first time I'm reading on anything historical and not fall asleep. Haha! Anyways, what I really wanted to say here is that I've added another badge to my blog. It's the site where I usually go to besides the official nail polish sites and blog shops that sells international nail polishes. Since I'm still a student and do not have the privilege of owning my own credit card to buy from those international sites, I've since found a blog shop where I can shop for those hard-to-get polishes here in Malaysia. They do accept bank transfers so it's perfect for me. Yay! :D So for those of you who are currently searching for a site to shop here in Malaysia, head on over to Nail Fiesta run by a dear friend of mine via the badge. Just click on the badge and it will take you to the site. :D You will definitely be treated well there as I have been.