NOTD : Matte Pink + 2-in-1 mani. :D

Hello hello!

Continuing on with my breast cancer awareness mani + depression awareness mani. Yep! A 2-in-1 mani. But before I show you both my hands (you'll understand in awhile). Here is my left hand.

 .this was taken at night. don't you think my desktop bg look cute? hehe.

.these in the morning.

Ain't it pretty? I got this polish from a dear friend of mine, Nisha of NailGalore. She had another colour similar to this so she was so kind to send this over to me. This is Lulu Polish in #460. Yep, it doesn't have a name and the bottle looks so much like Nfu-Ohs' doesn't it? You can get this from any Sasa outlet. It dries off matte which is always great in my book. Yay! :) But the downside is that it stinks! Like crazy-so-full-of-chemicals kind of stink. >.< Bluek! But i'm still gonna wear it altho not as often because of the stink. :) Now that i've explained abit on the polish, here's my full mani. :)

So sorry for the total blurness of the picture, but you get the idea right? I had on OPI - Who The Shrek Are You on my right hand. :) And this is my breast cancer + depresseion awareness mani. The 2-in-1 mani that I was talking about earlier. :D I had this mani on for 2days before I had major chipping on my matte pink hand. So I decided to continue on with my 2-in-1 mani but with more vibrant colours. So I went through my stash and Ta-da!

Neon pink and neon green! Yay! So on my left hand I have on NYC - Fruit Tingle (pink) and on my right is NYC - Jelly (green). Both of these polishes I got from my swap with 'chelle of Cosmetic Cupcake a few months back. :D You could still very well see some VNL here even after I did 3 thin layers of each colour. And umm... yep, i'm currently rocking this mani. My housemates and bf are all now very well immune to my nail polish obsession. They no more asks me questions or raise the occasional eyebrows I get when I change my mani. Hehehe.. Allright! That's it from me ladies! Have a wonderful weekend ahead! xo