Before I proceed to showing you my mani, lovely KarenD from Frazzle and Aniploish has tagged me with the Ten Things Tag. :D Thanks Karen! Here we go~

The rules for this one:
1. Post who gave you this award
2. State 10 things you like
3. Give this award to 10 other bloggers and notify them with a comment
10 things I like : (in no particular order)
1 - liquors & beers
2 - watching football
3 - papercrafts
4 - photography
5 - megastructures & engineering feats
6 - flip flops
7 - a good book to read in bed while its raining
8 - star gazing
9 - theme parks
10 - random strangers you meet on the streets who smiles at you and makes your day. :)
and.. I'm going to tag anyone who wants to do this! :D YAY! Most of the bloggers I know has already done this so if you haven't done this then I urge u to. :)
Now for my mani. :) Today I'm using OPI Siberian Nights. This is a really really dark purple that looks almost black indoors. But of course when under the sunlight, the purple shows.

Pretty pretty colour! I like! :D This is 2 coats and no topcoat cos it's already sooo glossy when it dries! I'm really digging this color now. Before I was like 'meh~'. Hahaha! Anyways! I'm off to dinner! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day ladies!! :D